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                Home > News
                There are many kinds of automobile
                Release date: [2023/5/18]  Read total of [9] times

                There are many kinds of automobile non-woven fabrics, such as needled, spiced, stitched and spun, to see where they are used.

                Car speaker and soundproof panel. Engine heat cushion. Automobile roof roof non-woven fabric.

                Dongguan Xuhang New Material Technology Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive enterprise specializing in the production and sales of PP spunbonded non-woven fabric, spunlaced non-woven fabric, SMS non-woven fabric, melt-blown non-woven fabric and other non-woven materials. The company has a number of non-woven fabric production lines imported from Germany, can produce gram weight 9gsm~300gsm, width 0.015m~3.3m range of any size, all kinds of color products, and can be produced according to different uses with special properties of non-woven fabric, such as anti-static, anti-aging, hydrophobic, water repellent, flame retardant, etc. Slitting machine, barge machine and other post-processing machines can provide customers with more customized services.

                The company sells its products domestically and abroad all over the world. Its foreign markets are mainly distributed in Europe, North America, South America, Southeast Asia and other regions, and its products are exported to Britain, Germany, the United States, Canada, Spain, Argentina, South Korea, Thailand and other countries. Products are widely used in furniture and household products, medical health, agriculture, industry, packaging, home decoration and disposable products and other fields. We continue to introduce new equipment at home and abroad, new technology, is committed to provide customers with high quality, high-performance non-woven products, to "focus on professional achievement, word-of mouth cast Xu Hang" for the purpose, wholeheartedly for every customer service, sincerely look forward to working with you to create brilliant!

                If you want to know more about our company information, please contact: Mr. Li call: 0769-85080625, fax: 13926804227, website: http://www.devildogdesign.com, Email:xh@devildogdesign.com.